—— 中村好文

项目地址丨 景枫·加州城
项目面积丨 413 ㎡(室内) 170 ㎡(花园)
设计机构丨 DoLong董龍设计
施工单位丨 大品大工程
所谓住宅, 不仅仅是一个让人的身体栖息在内过日常生活的容器, 还必须是让人内心安稳地、丰富地、融洽地持续居住下去的地方;
The so-called house is not only a container for people's body to live their daily life, but also a place for people to live in a stable, rich and harmonious way;

Space carding
Rain's Life住宅,是一座位于方山东侧的别墅私宅,Dolong Design从“自然私宅”的概念出发,将优美的花园延伸至室内,让自然“裸色”成为了空间的主要视觉色;Rain's Life Residence is a private villa located on the side of Fangshan Mountain. Dolong Design starts from the concept of "natural private residence" and extends the beautiful garden to the interior, making natural "nude" the main visual color of the space;在此次项目设计中,设计团队以“生活方式”为主线,让生活的动线如同“春风拂面”一样随性慵懒,让居家生活在随性慵懒的氛围中自然展开;In the design of this project, the design team takes "lifestyle" as the main line, making the moving line of life as casual and lazy as "spring breeze", allowing home life to unfold naturally in a casual and lazy atmosphere ;整个项目没有对结构进行过多建构,而是将重心落在营造空间气质上;把原本一层“会客”空间让给沟通与日常,形成整个别墅空间互动的聚集地,利用花园绝佳的自然景观进行室内外的空间对话,创造自由灵动的居住空间;The entire project did not construct too much structure, but focused on creating space temperament; the original "guest reception" space on the first floor was given to communication and daily life, forming a gathering place for the interaction of the entire villa space, using the excellent gardens. The natural landscape conducts a spatial dialogue between indoor and outdoor, creating a free and flexible living space;

在Rain's Life住宅,业主与Dolong Design共同设计了项目的建筑外景观,庭院外侧采用木格栅作边界的装饰。经过特殊处理的木格栅赋予了庭院外围特殊的秩序感;In Rain's Life Residence, the owner and Dolong Design jointly designed the project's exterior landscape, and the outside of the courtyard is decorated with wooden grilles. The specially treated wooden grille gives a special sense of order to the perimeter of the courtyard;建筑南侧是一个精致的开放式花园,业主夫妇精研园艺多年对花园美学有独到的见解,当空间、时间和自然融合,漫步于廊道之下,感受自然美学的绝妙体验;On the south side of the building is an exquisite open garden. The owner and his wife have studied gardening for many years and have unique insights into garden aesthetics. When space, time and nature are integrated, strolling under the corridor can experience the wonderful experience of natural aesthetics;
功能空间、装饰空间、象征空间通常被归纳为空间的不同叙述方式,Dolong Design尝试用裸空间这一概念去回答,随着居住者生活状态不断变化的空间应该如何被定义;Functional space, decorative space, and symbolic space are often summed up as different ways of narrating space. Dolong Design tries to use the concept of bare space to answer how the space that changes with the living conditions of the occupants should be defined;在Rain's Life住宅,每个功能空间彼此独立但又互相联系,内部的“界限”只是一种形式寓意,穿梭其中,场景、情绪、状态的自然过渡;In Rain's Life Residence, each functional space is independent but connected with each other. The internal "boundary" is just a formal meaning, and through it, the natural transition of scenes, emotions and states;家的质感,本应是极度舒适与整洁的状态。它不应该是所谓的“极简”,而是能与居住者、器物、时间、情绪共生的一种状态,并且能在每个平凡的一天里从容的面对生活中的琐碎;The texture of the home should be extremely comfortable and clean. It should not be the so-called "minimalism", but a state that can coexist with occupants, objects, time, and emotions, and can calmly face the trivialities of life in every ordinary day;
Break the boundary between life and vacation顶层一隅的花茶室,以自然之光打破固有的空间可能。居住者静坐此间,和亲友一起,和花艺一同,与自然融为一体,在日光下享受减缓流逝的时光;The flower tea room in the corner of the top floor breaks the inherent space possibility with natural light. The occupants sit quietly here, together with relatives and friends, together with flower arrangements, and become one with nature, enjoying the slow passage of time under the sun;此刻,我们虽栖居于城市中,却与自然共同生长。青葱郁郁的绿植下,煮水烹茶的时刻,看着窗外绝美的花园之景,享受这座住宅独有的氛围与美学;At this moment, although we live in the city, we grow together with nature. Under the lush green plants, when you boil water and make tea, look at the beautiful garden view outside the window, and enjoy the unique atmosphere and aesthetics of this residence;The appearance of this home is the unbridled relaxation after being away from the hustle and bustle;